Hi! Welcome to our site! We decided to call this blog "Yum Chapatis," because we look forward to eating lots of yummy, doughy, chapatis this year :) For now, here's a yummy recipe: click here. Throughout the year we'll try to post photos and updates to yumchapatis.com. Send some love our way!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hi! Welcome to our site! We decided to call this blog "Yum Chapatis," because we look forward to eating lots of yummy, doughy, chapatis this year :)

For now, here's a yummy recipe: click here.

Throughout the year we'll try to post photos and updates to yumchapatis.com. Send some love our way!


  1. Ooh! I can't wait to read about your jungle chapatis. And chimps. Chimps and chapatis.Yay!

  2. love the name of your blog! i'm really looking forward to hearing about all your adventures in East Africa!
